The Path Home
“Why is being who we are essential to staying well? Because we must meet our outer world with inner world or existence will crush us. It is spiritual law, as real as gravity. If we don’t assume our space as living beings, the rest of life will fill us, as water fills a hole.” ~ Mark Nepo
This is a beautiful passage from Mark Nepo’s book, The Exquisite Risk. His book reads like poetry. Weaving complex topics into deeply moving, spiritual masterpieces.
This quote spoke to something I am learning- that showing up in the world as your true inner self and living life as that being, frees us of the burden of secrets, shame, insecurity, insincerity and shadow. For some, hiding the inner life manifests as pain. As Mr. Nepo says, “The meeting of our inner and outer lives is called integrity.” Integrity saved my life.
I have found healing through facing parts of me I’ve locked away. These are the parts that show up as physical pain. By acknowledging these pieces of me, and letting them breathe the air of my outer world, my body is settling into peace. I am finding integrity and strength. I am finding a life worth living. I am facing the world as a whole human.
I highly recommend this book as well as working with a coach to help you on your healing journey ❤🌱🌸
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